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120 North 4th Street, Hennepin, IL 61327 

Hours:  Monday - Friday  9:00 - 4:00


JUNE 10, 2013, 10:00 A.M.

The regular meeting of the Putnam County Board was called to order at 10:00 A.M. on Monday, June 10, 2013, in the boardroom at the Putnam County Courthouse in Hennepin, Illinois by Putnam County Board Chairman, Duane A. Calbow.

Roll Call was taken by the Clerk of the County Board with Duane Calbow, Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer, Sheila Haage, William Holmes, and Jordan Ellena answering.

It was then moved by board member Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer to approve the minutes from the May 13, 2013, Regular Board Meeting. Board member Jordan Ellena seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.

Sheriff Kevin Doyle presented his May Sheriff’s and Civil Processing Transaction Reports to the board. Mr. Doyle discussed with the board the tuck-pointing and other repairs still needed on the “old courthouse”. The project initiated a few years ago was never completed. Mr. Doyle stated that it would be best to secure an architect to coordinate the repair work in order to maintain the historical value of the building. After further discussion, board member Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer moved to have Mr. Doyle procure an architect and identity the project details and cost estimates and report back to the board with his findings at the July meeting. Board member Sheila Haage seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a role call vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent. Mr. Doyle also informed the board that he is still checking into the reconfiguration of the flags in front of the courthouse. Mr. Doyle also informed the board that another one of the heater/air conditioning units in the courthouse may need to be replaced. Mr. Doyle had nothing further to report to the board at this time. (Mr. Doyle’s reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)

County Treasurer Kevin Kunkel presented his financial reports for the month of May to the board. The General Fund’s working balance for the month of May - 2013 was $3,844.95 compared to a working balance of $2,207.02 for the month of May - 2012. The General Fund Income for the month of May - 2013 was $204,976.72 compared to $207,865.32 for the month of May - 2012. Mr. Kunkel’s report also included a review of the “General Fund Accounts Balance by Month - 2013". The General Fund balance for the month of May - 2013 was $26,097.71. The General Fund Savings balance for the month of May - 2013 was $354,568.08. The Illinois Fund - General Fund balance for the month of May - 2013 was $415,980.66. Mr. Kunkel’s report also included a review of the budget for the current fiscal year for the period ending May 31, 2013. The actual versus budget variance percent target for the period is 50.00%. (Mr. Kunkel’s financial reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)

County Zoning Officer Jim Burger was not present for the meeting. The board reviewed his Zoning Officer Report for the month of May. Mr. Burger’s report informed the board that during the month of May his office issued three (3) building permits. There were fourteen (14) building permit inspections completed of which four (4) were final inspections. Mr. Burger’s report also informed the board that he posted and inspected units damaged by the flooding. Mr. Burger’s report also informed the board that an informational meeting was held on June 26th at the courthouse to inform owners of the options available to them if their cabins were damaged by 50% or more due to flooding. (Mr. Burger’s report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)

County Highway Engineer Edward Andrews reviewed his May report of County Highway Engineer and Maintenance Activities with the board. Mr. Andrews informed the board that FEMA Preliminary Damage Assessments (PDA’s) were completed during May 14th through May 16th. Mr. Andrews stated that he met with FEMA and IEMA representatives to review our submitted Initial Damage Assessments (IDA’s). The IDA’s estimated total was $378,600 for Putnam County and all four Townships. FEMA and IEMA officials said that the estimates will need to be presented as hard bids in order to finalize a cost share number. Mr. Andrews stated that he will have to have contracts for bids ready in hard copy form at the request of FEMA. The board agreed to allow Mr. Andrews to proceed with the bids. Mr. Andrews also informed the board that he has begun preparing the 50/50 County Aid Bridge cost shares for the eligible bridge and culvert work and added language that any FEMA reimbursement monies would be applied back against the County Aid Bridge fund. Mr. Andrews also updated the board on the progress that has been made thus far on the Putnam County Highway Building renovation project. Other County Highway Engineer activities have included a review of replacement equipment purchases, site planning for salt shed replacement, and preparation for the beginning of paving and seal coating. County Highway Maintenance activities have included checking roads, patching pot-holes, preparing equipment for mowing roadsides (initiated mowing on May 20th), reclaiming shoulders on McNabb Blacktop, County Line, Gehm and School Roads, and servicing the highway and sheriff’s vehicles. (The County Highway Engineer and Maintenance Activities report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)

County Circuit Clerk Cathy Oliveri had nothing to report for the month of May and therefore was not present for the meeting.

County Probation Officer position is currently vacant. As a result, there is no report for the month of May.

County Supervisor of Assessments Tammy Mehalic had nothing to report for the month of May and therefore was not present for the meeting.

County Death Investigator Robert Cofoid presented his May Death Investigator report to the board. There was one (1) death reported to his office during the month of May. Mr. Cofoid informed the board that he is planning on attending a conference in Collinsville, Illinois in August. (Mr. Cofoid’s report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)

Putnam County Emergency Management Agency Coordinator Jim Goldasich presented his agency’s report for the month of May to the board. Mr. Goldasich informed the board that on May 16th, 17th, and 18th, he accompanied a damage assessment team throughout the county to assess the residential damages that resulted from the flooding. FEMA has determined that the structural damage was not extensive enough to meet their threshold. As a result, there will be no individual assistance to the county residents. FEMA has determined that the county did meet their threshold for damage to public facilities, highways, and infrastructure. The agencies will be able to request up to 75% of the cost of damages which will be paid by FEMA. Mr. Goldasich also updated the board on the renovation of the new EMA Building. Mr. Goldasich also informed the board that he expects to publish the request for bids for the garaging building in the near future. Mr. Goldasich also informed the board of other various meetings he has attended during the month of May and thus far for the month of June. (Mr. Goldasich’s report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)

Under “Old Business” for Committee Reports; board (committee) member Duane Calbow informed the remainder of the board that he attended a Business Employee Skills meeting in Princeton. There were no other reports from any of the board’s other committee members.

Under “New Business” for Bureau / Putnam Area Enterprise Zone Amending Ordinance and Amended Intergovernmental Agreement; Mr. Ben Wilson, Zone Administrator with the North Central Illinois Council of Governments presented to the board an ordinance which amends Ordinance #2012-0-02 entitled “An ordinance amending an ordinance establishing an enterprise zone with the County of Putnam, Illinois, said ordinance zone being a portion of a larger enterprise zone encompassing contiguous portions of the cities of Spring Valley and Princeton, Villages of Ladd, Hennepin, Mark, and Granville, and the counties of Bureau and Putnam, Illinois”. The amending ordinance adds 11.27 acres more or less to Area 1 of the zone. The amending ordinance also includes an amended intergovernmental agreement between the counties, cities, and villages that comprise the Bureau / Putnam Area Enterprise Zone. After brief discussion, board member Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer moved that the board approve and adopt the amending ordinance and the amended intergovernmental agreement allowing for the revision of Area 1 by adding 11.27 acres more or less to the existing enterprise zone. Board member Jordan Ellena seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent. The Clerk of the County Board was directed to process the ordinance (#2013-0-06).

Also under “New Business” for Revisions To Ordinance #2013-0-02 To Correct Scrivener’s Error; the board reviewed the revisions made to the previously approved and adopted Ordinance #2013-0-02. The Ordinance authorizes the County Board Chairman to execute an Economic Incentive Agreement. After brief discussion, board member Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer moved to approve the revisions made to Ordinance #2013-0-02. Board member Sheila Haage seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent. The Clerk of the County Board was directed to process the revised ordinance (#2013-0-02).

Also under “New Business” for Lake Thunderbird Conservation Committee Request For Approval For The Sale Of Beer And Wine At Annual Corn Boil (August 3, 2013); the board reviewed the letter of request for the board’s approval for the sale of beer and wine at the Lake Thunderbird Conservation Committee’s Annual Corn Boil. After brief discussion, it was moved by board member Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer that the board approves the request for the sale of beer and wine at the Annual Corn Boil on August 3, 2013. Board member Sheila Haage seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call vote of 4ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent. The Clerk of the County Board was directed to send a letter to the Lake Thunderbird Conservation Committee informing them of the board’s decision.

Also under “New Business” for Fish ‘N Fun Request Of Approval For The Sale Of Beer And Wine At Annual Pancake Breakfast (August 4, 2013); the county board reviewed the letter of request from Fish ‘N Fun for the board’s approval for the sale of beer and wind at their annual pancake breakfast. After brief discussion, board member Jordan Ellena moved that the board approve the request which is contingent upon the receipt of proof of liquor liability insurance prior to the event. Board member Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent. The Clerk of the County Board was directed to send the Fish ‘N Fun Board of Directors a letter notifying them of the board’s approval.

Also under “New Business” for Putnam County Website; the board discussed the progress being made with the overall content of the website. The addition of information, monitoring and updating will continue. The site’s address is

Also under “New Business” for Approve Bills; the county board reviewed the bills for the month of May. Board member Sheila Haage then moved that the board approve the payment of the bills for the month of May. Board member William Holmes seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.

Also under “New Business” for Correspondences and Reports; the board reviewed the monthly reports from the County Clerk’s Office and the Regional Office of Education. The board also reviewed the legislative reports from the Illinois Association of County Board Members and Commissioners and information from the United Counties Council of Illinois. Board Chairman Duane Calbow also reviewed a correspondence from the Putnam County School District #535 for the donation to the Putnam County School Wellness Fund. The county’s donation to the fund aided in the continuation of the After-school Activities and Academic Enrichment Programs.

Also under “New Business” for Public Comment Period; there were no members of the public present at the meeting.

At 11:45 A.M., board member Sheila Haage moved to adjourn the meeting. Board member Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent. The meeting was adjourned. The next Regular Meeting of the Putnam County Board is scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2013, at 7:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,


Clerk of the Putnam County Board