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120 North 4th Street, Hennepin, IL 61327 

Hours:  Monday - Friday  9:00 - 4:00


JANUARY 11, 2021, 5:30 P.M.


The regular meeting of the Putnam County Board was called to order at 5:32 P.M. on Monday, December 14, 2020, by County Board Chairman Charles Lenkaitis.  As a result of the social restrictions due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic and due to the unavailability of the Putnam County Office of Emergency Management Building, the meeting was held in the courtroom at the Putnam County Courthouse in Hennepin, Illinois.  The meeting was also available via Zoom. 

Roll Call was taken by the Clerk of the County Board with Steven Malavolti, Luke Holly, Charles Lenkaitis, Anthony Rue, and Floyd Holocker answering. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. 

It was moved by board member Steven Malavolti to approve the minutes from the December 14, 2020, Regular Board Meeting.  Board member Anthony Rue seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.                                                                                     

County Highway Engineer Pat Sloan presented his December report of County Highway Engineer and Maintenance Activities to the board.  Mr. Sloan informed the board that the Illinois Department of Transportation has requested Putnam County to enter into an “Agreement Of Understanding” which grants the County Highway Engineer to act less approval and supervision by the Illinois Department of Transportation for state-funded projects (MFT, TBP, and TARP).  There are no changes to any rules or documentation but may help with time delays.  After a brief discussion, board member Steven Malavoltiu moved that the board approve the Agreement of Understanding.  Board member Floyd Holocker seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.  Mr. Sloan then presented to the board a “Resolution Appropriating Funds For The Payment Of The County Engineer’s Salary”.  The board approved resolution is to be submitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation.  The resolution allows for the board to appropriate the sum of $40,721.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to pay the monthly salary of the Putnam County Engineer for the year beginning January 1, 2021, and ending December 31, 2021.  After a brief discussion, board member Anthony Rue moved that the board approve and adopt the resolution as written.  Board member Steven Malavolti seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.  The Clerk of the County Board was directed to process the resolution (#2021-01).  Mr. Sloan then presented to the board a “Resolution For Maintenance Under The Illinois Highway Code”.  The board approved resolution is to be submitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation.  The resolution allows for the board to appropriate an amount of $440,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code in Putnam County for the year beginning January 1, 2018, and ending December 31, 2018.  After a brief discussion, board member Luke Holly moved that the board approve and adopt the resolution appropriating the sum of $155,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax allotment for the maintenance on county or state highways in Putnam County for the year beginning January 1, 2018, and ending December 31, 2018.  Board member Sheila Haage seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.  The Clerk of the County Board was directed to process the resolution (#2021-02).  Other County Highway Engineer activities have included initiating the Motor Fuel Tax planning process with the Townships and meeting with the IDOT Auditor for a review of the County and Township Motor Fuel Tax Accounts for the past four (4) years.  County Highway Maintenance activities have included checking the roads, servicing the Sheriff Department’s vehicles, putting wings on trucks along with v-plow and chains on grader for snow removal, salting and intersections after a light snow, and taking care of various repair issues.  (The Putnam County Highway Engineer and Maintenance Activities Reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)         

Sheriff Kevin Doyle presented his Sheriff’s and Civil Processing Transaction Reports for the month of December to the board.  Mr. Doyle also discussed the budget for Animal Control.  As of December 31, 2020, $1,383.37 of the budgeted amount of $14,000.00 for Administrative Service Fees has been used leaving a remaining balance of $12,616.63.  Mr. Doyle also informed the board that the courthouse remains open for essential business.  Mr. Doyle also informed the board that there currently are no maintenance issues within the courthouse.  Mr. Doyle had nothing of further interest to report to the board.  (The Sheriff’s and Civil Processing Transaction Reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.) 

County Treasurer Kevin Kunkel presented his financial reports for the month of December to the board.  The General Fund’s working balance for the month of December, Fiscal Year 2021, was $292,566.38 compared to a working balance of $12230,515.70 for the month of December, Fiscal Year 2020.  Mr. Kunkel’s report also included a review of the “General Fund Accounts Balance by Month, Fiscal Year 2021".  The General Fund balance for the month of December, Fiscal Year 2021, was ($11,043.19).  The General Fund Savings balance for the month of December, Fiscal Year 2021, was $539,963.91.  The Illinois Fund - General Fund balance for the month of December, Fiscal Year 2021, was $295,522.09.  The total of the General Fund Accounts is $824,442.81.  Year to date for Fiscal Year 2021 shows revenues of $292,566.38 and expenses of ($382,490.50) for a total of ($89,924.12).  The actual versus budget variance percent target for the period is .083%.  Mr. Kunkel also discussed the costs associated with the accounting software with Computer Information Concepts (CIC).  The annual contract will be up for renewal in April of this year.  Mr. Kunkel also discussed with the board the consideration of changing the accounting software provided by CIC to the utilization of QuickBooks accounting software.  (The County Treasurer’s financial reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.). 

County Clerk & Recorder Dan Kuhn presented his County Clerk & Recorder’s report for the month of December to the board.  His report shows $66,767.80 in total receipts and $18,668.09 in total disbursements for the month of December resulting in a closing balance of $48,099.71.  Mr. Kuhn also informed the board that to date the State Board of Elections reimbursement grants has totaled $30,258.46.  Another grant has been submitted to the State Board of Elections for the HAVA Election Security Grant totaling $1,179.1208 for four (4) months of the costs associated with Ethernet access to the Illinois Central Network Election Security.  Payment is expected sometime in February.  Mr. Kuhn also informed the board that his office continues to receive delinquent tax payments for the 2017 and 2018 property taxes sold at the Treasurer’s Office Annual Tax Sales.  Tax redemptions for the month of December 2020, totaled $3,783.15.  Also, his office is beginning to receive payments for delinquent taxes for Tax Year 2019.  Mr. Kuhn also informed the board that the expenses ($5,130) for the 2021 contract with Computer Information Concepts for the Land Records Management System utilized by the recorder’s office will be paid from his office’s Automation Fund.  (The County Clerk & Recorder’s report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk & Recorder for review by any interested parties.) 

County Circuit Clerk Carly Neubaum had nothing to report to the board for the month of December and therefore was not present for the meeting. 

County Probation Officer Patricia Hohulin had nothing to report to the board for the month of December and therefore was not present for the meeting. 

County Supervisor of Assessments Tammy Mehalic had nothing to report to the board for the month of December and therefore was not present for the meeting. 

County Zoning Officer Jim Burger presented his Zoning Officer report for the month of December to the board.  Mr. Burger informed the board that there were two (2) building permits processed for two (2) industrial maintenance buildings during the month of December.  There were eight (8) building inspections completed during the month of December with one (1) being final for a new home.  Mr. Burger also informed the board that he was contacted about a possible cell tower being built south of the junction of the Bradford Blacktop and IL Hwy Rt. 29.  Mr. Burger also informed the board that he was contacted by the State Floodplain Administrator and they will be surveying the Illinois River from April of 2021 thru June of 2021.  Mr. Burger also informed the board that he will continue to issue building permits and perform inspections while observing the proper guidelines while out in the public due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  (The County Zoning Officer Report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.) 

County Death Investigator Bob Cofoid presented his Death Investigator report for the month of December to the board.  There was two (2) death reported to his office during the month of December.  Mr. Cofoid had nothing of further interest to report to the board.  (The County Death Investigator Report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.) 

Putnam County Office of Emergency Management Coordinator Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer presented her December P.C.O.E.M. Coordinator’s reports to the board.  Ms. Biagi-Bruer informed the board that the State of Illinois has extended its Disaster Proclamation until February 7, 2021, for all counties (102) in Illinois   Ms. Biagi-Bruer discussed with the board her continued planning and preparing activities in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and assisting the Bureau, Marshall, Putnam County Health Department plan for and execute mass vaccinations for COVID-19.  As part of Ms. Biagi-Bruer’s report, Mr. Hector Gomez, Bureau, Marshall, Putnam County Health Department’s Administrative Director gave an update on the current situation relative to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  Mr. Gomez informed the board that COVID-19 mass vaccinations have begun, utilizing the P.C.O.E.M. building.  His update also included the various testing sites available for the public.  Mr. Gomez also discussed with the board some of the ongoing details for the merger of the Health Department and the Putnam County Office of Emergency Management.  Ms. Biagi-Bruer informed the board that the main entrance into the P.C.O.E.M. building will not close properly.  Judd Construction has looked at the door and they are going to submit a bid for replacing the door.  Ms. Biagi-Bruer also informed the board that the P.C.O.E.M. truck is not keeping a charge in the batteries.  She requests permission to get a quote to replace the batteries.  After a brief discussion, board member Steven Malavolti moved that the board approve the request to replace the batteries in the P.C.O.E.M. truck at a cost of less than $150 each.  Board member Floyd Holocker seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.  (The P.C.O.E.M. Coordinator Reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)    

Under “Old Business” for Committee Reports; there were no reports from any of the board committee members for the month of December. 

Under “New Business” for Special Use Permit, Mid-American Growers (Cannabis Business); the board briefly discussed the Special Use Permit and determined that more information and discussion is needed before board approval.  Board member Luke Holly moved that the board table the agenda item until the February 8th board meeting.  Board member Floyd Holocker seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.    

Also, under “New Business” for Insurance Requirements; board member Steven Malavolti discussed some of the requirements that have been identified for the county’s insurance.  The county’s Sexual Harassment Policy is required to be reviewed and signed off on each year by all county employees.  Each office/department head is required to have an Employee Policies and Procedures Manual.  A resolution by the board is required.  The States Attorney’s Office will prepare a draft of a resolution for board review and approval.  After a brief discussion, board member Steven Malavolti moved that the board approve the aforementioned insurance requirements.  Board member Luke Holly seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.  

Also, under “New Business” for Board Of Directors Re-appointment to the Upper Illinois River Valley Development Authority (UIVDA); the board reviewed a letter of request from the Upper Illinois River Valley Development Authority requesting the re-appointment of Mr. Reed Wilson to their Board of Directors effective immediately for a three (3) year term that will expire on the third Monday of the year 2024.  After a brief discussion, board member Steven Malavolti moved that the board approve the request from the UIVDA for the reappointment of Mr. Reed Wilson to the UIVDA Board of Directors.  Board member Luke Holly seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.    

Also, under “New Business” for Putnam County Board Committee Assignments For Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021, Board Chairman Charles Lenkaitis reviewed the board committee assignments for the Fiscal Year 2020 thru 2021.      

Also, under “New Business” for Putnam County Website (; the board discussed information updates submitted for posting to the website.  The addition and/or revising of information, monitoring, and updating will be on-going.  Any and all updates should be forwarded to Ms. Susan Grady with Connecting Point Computer Centers.  Her e-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   

Also, under “New Business” for Approve Bills; the county board reviewed the bills for the month of December.  Board member Steven Malavolti then moved that the board approve the payment of the bills for the month of December.  Board member Floyd Holocker seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.   

Also, under “New Business” for Correspondences and Reports; the board chairman reviewed correspondences that he had received with the other members of the board.         

Also, under “New Business” for Public Comment Period; there were no members of the public in attendance for comments.     

At 6:50 P.M., board member Steven Malavolti moved to adjourn the meeting.  Board member Luke Holly seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.  The meeting was adjourned.  The next Regular Meeting of the Putnam County Board is scheduled for Monday, February 8, 2021, at 5:30 P.M.  The meeting will be held in the courtroom at the Putnam County Courthouse.      

 Respectfully submitted,


Clerk of the Putnam County Board