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120 North 4th Street, Hennepin, IL 61327 

Hours:  Monday - Friday  9:00 - 4:00


August 08, 2022, at 5:30 P.M.


The regular meeting of the Putnam County Board was called to order at 5:30 P.M. on Monday, August 08, 2022, by County Board Vice Chairman Steve Malavolti.  The meeting was held in the courtroom at the Putnam County Courthouse in Hennepin, Illinois.

Roll Call was taken by the Deputy Clerk of the County Board with, Tony Rue, Steve Malavolti, and Luke Holly answering. Floyd Holocker and Charles Lenkaitis are absent.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.

Minutes: It was moved by board member Rue to approve the minutes from July 11, 2022, Regular Board Meeting.  Board member Holly seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 3 ayes, 0 nays, and 2 absent.

Bills: It was moved by board member Rue to approve bills for July 2022. Board member Holly seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 3 ayes, 0 nays, and 2 absent.

Public comment: 

Board Member Holocker joined the meeting at 5:36 P.M.

Valerie Witzman was present and passed out a handout regarding questions to the board on wind turbines. She spoke about how the wind turbines may damage our roads because the semis that bring them will then be very heavy. She wondered how it will affect the EMT crews and voluntary firemen who may get called to accidents involving the wind turbines and if they will know how to handle the situations.  

Charlie Witzman was present and agreed with everything Valerie had to say. He gave a handout on windmills. He spoke about how they affect climate change. He stated he did not want to see our community fail.

States Attorney Christina Judd Mennie was present and spoke about the easement with P.C. and Marquis. She introduced Mr. Smith from Marquis who will be at all the board meetings to answer any questions the board may have. He will also give updates on how things are going at Marquis. Board member Malavolti said they will table the situation because he wants to make sure all issues with the utility permits and highway are in order first. Mr. Smith said there is no blanket easement from the county yet. They are still looking into how they will lay out the plant. Pat Sloan from the Highway Dept. stated he wants to look into the situation more. He wants to make sure everything that is being done is and will be good for the county. Board members Rue and Malavolti said it will be tabled and they will have a special meeting to discuss everything and will speak with Pat Sloan about his concerns. It was moved by board member Holly to table the easement. Board member Rue seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote 3 ayes, 0 nays, and 1 absent.

County Highway Engineer Pat Sloan presented his July report regarding County Highway Engineer and Maintenance Activities to the board. Pat said 1175th E is completed and will be seal coated sometime in August. He approved McNabb to have their Pre-Harvest Throwdown on the main road in September. The road will be blocked off from 3 pm to midnight for the event. He also stated the work on Coffee Creek by Marquis has started. (The County Highway Engineer Reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)   

Sheriff Kevin Doyle was present with his financial reports for July. There were no questions on his report. Doyle said Matt Mattingly has been filling in here and there to help out with different things at the courthouse. He stated the air conditioning is working well. Board member Holly asked how the rest of the parking lot is coming along. Doyle said it is good and the pillars for the parking spots will be going in soon. (The Sheriff’s and Civil Processing Transaction Reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)    

County Treasurer Kevin Kunkel was present and presented his financial reports for July to the board.  The General Fund’s balance for July, Fiscal Year 2022, is $313,976.20 compared to a balance of $276,755.24 for July, Fiscal Year 2021. Kunkel’s report also included a review of the “General Fund Accounts Balance by Month, Fiscal Year 2022".  The General Fund balance for July, Fiscal Year 2022, is $5,540.48.  The General Fund Savings balance for July, Fiscal Year 2022, is $1,680,439.42.  The Illinois Fund - General Fund balance for July, Fiscal Year 2022, is $867,717.08.  The total of the General Fund Accounts is $2,553,696.98.  Year to date for the Fiscal Year 2022 shows revenues of $3,096,374.63 and expenses of ($2,038,591.78) for a total of 1,057,782.85. Kevin suggested the board amend the budget if they are going to hire a full-time Zoning Officer. He said the appropriation is running $17,000 over already. A server is going to be going out and will need to be replaced. Board member Malavolti told him and board member Lenkaitis are going to be getting together soon to start on the budget. He said they would like it finalized by end of October or the beginning of November. Kevin stated he has all incomes for the first step of the budget done. (The County Treasurer’s financial reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.).

County Clerk & Recorder Tina Dolder was not present however did include her report for July in the packet. There were no questions about the report.  (The County Clerk & Recorder’s financial report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk & Recorder for review by any interested parties.)

County Circuit Clerk Carly Neubaum was present but had nothing to report.

 County Probation Officer

County Supervisor of Assessments Tammy Mehalic was not present but sent information on the district maps for assessing purposes. It stated the county meets the requirements and she doesn’t believe anything needs to be changed at this time. She sent paperwork to vote and sign off on the decision. Board member Malavolti stated to go on record to keep it as it is. It was moved by board member Rue to keep the mapping of the districts the same. Board member Holocker seconded the motion and the motion was carried on roll call board vote 3 ayes, 0 nays, and 1 absent.

County Death Investigator Bob Cofoid presented his Death Investigator report for June and July to the board.  Cofoid reported (2) deaths for the month of June and (1) death reported to his office during July. Cofoid also said he is going to a training conference in Collinsville, IL at the end of August.  (The County Death Investigator Report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)

Putnam County Office of Emergency Management Coordinator Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer presented her July report to the board. The State of Illinois has extended its Disaster Proclamation until August 20, 2022, which covers all 102 counties including Putnam County. Biagi-Bruer attended a meeting in Princeton on July 21st. She said helping the sheriff’s department with the light tower for the Fourth of July went well. Biagi-Bruer stated the battery on the big generator hasn’t been changed in a while and will be needing a new one soon. She usually gets it from the sheriff’s department. Biagi- Bruer also brought paperwork about the Marshall-Putnam Natural Hazard Plan that needs to be voted on to adopt a Resolution. It was moved by board member Holocker to move forward with the plan. Board member Holly seconded the motion and the motion was carried on roll call board vote 3 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. The Clerk of the County Board was directed to process the Resolution (#2022-10).  (The Emergency Management Coordinators Report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)


Carrie Folken Executive Director with B.E.S.T. was present and gave an update on programs and services offered by the agency under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.  She stated funds come from the Federal Government and there are 8 counties being served with the program and 12 individuals from P.C. were helped this last year. An individual received school funding to get a CDL and when finished with the program got a full-time job with the help of B.E.S.T. Another individual who was in high school received help to get enough credits to graduate. Now B.E.S.T. is paying for the individual to start at IVCC in the fall. She stated there is a B.E.S.T. office inside IVCC for anyone to stop by to ask questions or apply.


Putnam County Website (

Website Care Report was included in the packet for the board to see the activity for July.

Correspondences and Committee Reports:



At 6:06 P.M., Board member Rue moved to adjourn the meeting.  Board member Holocker seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 3 ayes, 0 nays, and 1 absent.  The meeting was adjourned.  The next Regular Meeting of the Putnam County Board is scheduled for Monday, September 12, 2022, at 5:30 P.M.  The meeting will be held in the courtroom at the Putnam County Courthouse.


Respectfully submitted,

TINA DOLDER, Clerk of the Putnam County Board