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120 North 4th Street, Hennepin, IL 61327 

Hours:  Monday - Friday  9:00 - 4:00


January 10, 2022, at 5:30 P.M.            

The regular meeting of the Putnam County Board was called to order at 5:30 P.M. on Monday, January 10, 2022, by County Board Chairman Charles Lenkaitis.  The meeting was held in the courtroom at the Putnam County Courthouse in Hennepin, Illinois, and via zoom.

Roll Call was taken by the Clerk of the County Board with, Charles Lenkaitis, Floyd Holocker, Steven Malavolti, Luke Holly answering, and Tony Rue answering via zoom.  

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.

Minutes: It was moved by board member Malavolit to approve the minutes from the December 13, 2021, Regular Board Meeting.  Board member Holocker seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.

Bills: It was moved by board member Malavolti to approve bills for December 2021. Board member Holocker seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.

Public comment:  Alexis Campbell was present and had a handout for the board regarding the adverse health effects of windmills. Within the hand out there was a link to a “How to guide” for siting wind turbines to prevent health risks from the sound that she thought was informative for Zoning office Jim Burger that may help him with the zoning ordinance regarding the windmills. Campbell would like the board to fully understand the health risks windmills will bring to the residents around them.

Valerie Witzman was present and expressed her concern for windmills coming to Putnam County. Valerie stated that she is going to push hard to keep the windmills away from Mt. Palatine and the residents that live there. Valerie presented the board with handouts and a map.  The handouts expressed the importance of the setbacks for the windmills and green energy that isn’t. Valerie then asked a question to Zoning Officers Jim Burger about when the next zone meeting was going to be? Burger told her there was one coming up but it has nothing to do about windmills.

Charlie Witzman was present and stated that he agreed with the material that Alexis and his wife Valerie presented. There are a lot of health risks and he encouraged the board to look into the wind effects that the windmills have on people. He asked the board to please not bring windmills into this county.

Dina Luscher was present and stated that she agrees with everything that has been said tonight regarding windmills.   

Jim Shurts was present and said that he does not want to see windmills in this county. He did not buy a piece of property in the country to walk outside and look at a windmill.

Jeff Purtell was present and had a couple of questions. He asked why there was a push for windmills and not solar?  Is one more beneficial than the other? Chairman Lenkaitis said that he should ask that question to the energy company.  He also inquired if the board has already met with the windmill company? Chairman Lenkaitis responded that he did meet with Scout Energy. Chairman Lenkaitis said that there is still no plan on bringing windmills to the county, Scout Energy has been gathering the information that they need and the board has been gathering the information that they would need to make a decision that best suits the residents of Putnam County. Chairman Lenkaitis wanted to remind everyone that it is not the county board’s responsibility to tell the community what they can and cannot do with their property. The county board is here to ensure the ordinances for the county are in place and as safe as they can be to protect the citizens of this county. The Moratorium was put in place to ensure more time to gather enough information to update the zoning ordinance regarding this issue.

Niel Odonnel was present and stated there are 2 problems with windmills. One is safety measures on windmills. There are a lot of safety and health concerns. Odonnel has also been told the average life of a windmill is 6-8 years. What will happen after that? Odonnel has also heard that if windmills were brought into our county the residents would be charged a subsidy on our electric bills. Chairman Lenkaitis said he had not heard anything about that but thanked him and said he would check into that.

County Highway Engineer Pat Sloan presented his report regarding the December of County Highway Engineer and Maintenance Activities to the board. Pat said it has been very busy being short staff, plowing, and salting roads. Pat presented a corrected IDOT resolution for MFT expenditures from $491,943.00 down to $300,000.00. It was moved by board member Holly to approve the Amended Resolution 2021-24 Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code. Board member Malavolti seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.  The Clerk of the County Board was directed to process the resolution (#2021-24). Pat also presented bids for a Utility Tractor. After a short discussion, it was moved by board member Malavolti to approve the Ordinance 2022-01 Awarding the Utility Tractor to be purchased at Birkey’s Farm Store for a 2021 Case IH 120C for $56,627.00. Board member Holocker seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.  The Clerk of the County Board was directed to process the Ordinance (#2022-01).   (The County Highway Engineer Reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)   

Sheriff Kevin Doyle presented his financial reports for December to the board. There were no questions on his report. (The Sheriff’s and Civil Processing Transaction Reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)    

County Treasurer Kevin Kunkel was present and presented his financial reports for December to the board.  The General Fund’s balance for December, Fiscal Year 2022, was $366,232.52 compared to a balance of $292,566.38 for December, Fiscal Year 2021.  Kunkel’s report also included a review of the “General Fund Accounts Balance by Month, Fiscal Year 2022".  The General Fund balance for December, Fiscal Year 2022, was $120,170.26.  The General Fund Savings balance for December, Fiscal Year 2022, was $1,230,437.07.  The Illinois Fund - General Fund balance for December, Fiscal Year 2022, was $200,274.84.  The total of the General Fund Accounts is $1,550,882.17.  Year to date for the Fiscal Year 2022 shows revenues of $366,232.52 and expenses of ($274,679.64) for a total of $91,552.88.  (The County Treasurer’s financial reports are on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.).

County Clerk & Recorder Tina Dolder presented her report for December to the board.  Her report shows $24,304.44 in total receipts for the month. Tina introduced Erica Pierski as the new Deputy County Clerk & Recorder. Erica will be working part-time for now. Tina presented a revised Contract for the microfilm scanning project. With board member Rue’s help, we were able to save $7,000.00 on that project lowering the contract to $86,250.07. It was moved by board member Holly to approve the contract pending ARPA Committee’s recommendation to the board. Board member Malavolti seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent. (The County Clerk & Recorder’s report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk & Recorder for review by any interested parties.)

County Circuit Clerk Carly Neubaum was not present and did not have a report for the board.

County Probation Officer Patricia Hohulin was present and thanked Chairman Lenkaitis for signing the Annual Plan and when she gets the final, she will get a copy to the board. Pat reported she did get her Approval from State Records Disposal to dispose of some records. Pat thanked Matt Mattingly for helping with the disposal.

County Supervisor of Assessments Tammy Mehalic was not present but did ask for 2 members to be reappointed to the Board of Review for a 4-year term. It was moved by board member Malavolti to approve the reappointment of both Norman Raffety and George Wheeler to a 4-year term. Board member Rue seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.

County Zoning Officer Jim Burger presented his Zoning Officer report for December to the board.  Burger informed the board that this month there were six (6) building inspections completed and two (2) building permits issued during December. Burger spent time gathering information on projects, requests and answering questions along with checking into a nuisance complaint. A certified letter has been sent to the owner of the property. Burger also informed the board that he will continue to issue building permits and perform inspections while observing the proper guidelines while out in the public.  (The County Zoning Officer Report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)

County Death Investigator Bob Cofoid presented his Death Investigator report for December to the board.  There were four (4) deaths reported to his office during December. Cofoid also said he is hoping to make it to the yearly winter training next month. Cofoid had nothing of further interest to report to the board.  (The County Death Investigator Report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)

Putnam County Office of Emergency Management Coordinator Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer presented her December report to the board. The State of Illinois has extended its Disaster Proclamation until February 6, 2022, which covers all 102 counties including Putnam County. In December the PCSO/Central Illinois Police Training Center held a training at the Putnam County OEM Training room.  Chauntelle went to Henry Fire Department and issued ids for the Fire Department and Ambulance. The Health Department still has supplies in the training room at PC OEM in case they need to utilize the room. Currently, the health department is giving vaccinations at the PC Health department office. The last week of December Chauntelle worked with Chairmen Lenkaitis, Vice Chairmen Malavolti, Hector, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunities to complete and turn in all the necessary paperwork to get funds reallocated to Putnam County. These monies became available for the Health Department from the CURE COVID-19 funds and the health department did not use them. The amount being reallocated to Putnam County is $31,595.94. Board member Holly thanked Chauntelle and everyone who helped get that money reallocated to Putnam County.  (The Emergency Management Coordinators Report is on file at the Office of the County Clerk for review by any interested parties.)

STATES ATTORNEY Christina Judd Mennie was present but did not have anything to report.


Resolution to Enter into an Agreement for Implementing Coordination of Recycling Services on Behalf of Putnam County – Chairmen Lenkaitis explained that this is a yearly agreement and this service covers a (12) month period for a total of $2,531.76. It was moved by board member Malavolti to approve the Resolution 2022-01 to Enter into an Agreement for Implementing Coordination of Recycling Services on Behalf of Putnam County. Board member Holly seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.  The Clerk of the County Board was directed to process the Resolution (#2022-01).

Bureau, Putnam & Marshall County Health Departments – On behalf of the Putnam County Board of Health, they would like to request a (3-year term) Appointment of Sean Brannon to replace Chris Cyr.   Sean Brannon’s term of Office would be September 1, 2021 – August 31, 2024. It was moved by board member Malavolti to approve the 3-year appointment of Sean Brannon to the Board of Health. Board member Holocker seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent. 


Putnam County Website

Website Care Report was included in the packet for the board to see the activity for December.

Correspondences and Committee Reports:

Board member Malavolti reported that he heard from Ogle County and they submitted an application for Accelerate Illinois. Putnam County was also included in this area-wide application that was sent in. This program would bring in high-speed broadband lines closer to the county.



At 6:45 P.M., board member Rue moved to adjourn the meeting.  Board member Malavolti seconded the motion and the motion was carried on a roll call board vote of 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 absent.  The meeting was adjourned.  The next Regular Meeting of the Putnam County Board is scheduled for Monday, February 14, 2022, at 5:30 P.M.  The meeting will be held in the courtroom at the Putnam County Courthouse. 

Respectfully submitted,


Clerk of the Putnam County Board